by Jason Fairchild | May 6, 2024
The Kajimura laboratory focuses on the molecular mechanisms of metabolic adaptation to stress. In this regard, fat cells (adipocytes) serve as a unique model because adipose tissue comprises a dynamic organ that remodels its cellular size and composition in response...
by Jason Fairchild | May 6, 2024
The overall goal of research in my lab is to determine the cellular and molecular mechanisms for insulin resistance in obesity and type 2 diabetes. Major research areas include: 1) discovering the mechanisms by which novel adipocyte-associated molecules alter insulin...
by Jason Fairchild | May 6, 2024
Our laboratory focuses on the nexus of cardiac and metabolic diseases with a particular interest in exercise biology and inter-organ communication. To expand the novelty and clinical impact of our studies, we have developed and incorporated emerging metabolomics and...
by Jason Fairchild | May 6, 2024
In recent studies from our laboratory, we discovered that liver-directed A20-based therapies in mouse models of T1D and T2D, restored or significantly improved glycemic control in ways that fulfilled safety criteria. Bioengineering mouse livers to overexpress A20, led...
by Jason Fairchild | May 6, 2024
Obesity-linked insulin resistance is the most common precursor to the development of type 2 diabetes. Our previous work has shown that phosphorylation of PPARy at serine 273 stimulates a pattern of gene expression in obese adipose tissues associated with insulin...