Juan M Melero-Martin, PhD

Bioengineering and engraftment of microvascular networks Our laboratory is interested in understanding how vascular networks are formed and the mechanisms by which vascular networks engraftment occurs upon transplantation. Every year, millions of grafting procedures...

Stephen D. Liberles, PhD

Internal and external sensory systems controlling nutrient homeostasis We study how the brain processes external sensory stimuli and internal homeostatic signals to control physiology and behavior. A major effort in the lab is to chart peripheral neural circuits that...

Peter Libby, M.D.

Inflammation and Atherosclerosis The links between the major theme of the Libby laboratory, inflammation in cardiovascular diseases, to metabolic diseases including diabetes and obesity have become increasingly apparent.   Work from Libby laboratory has...

Dong Kong, PhD

The long-term interest of our laboratory is to bridge molecular, cellular, and system approaches to decipher the neuronal modulatory and circuitry mechanisms behind these processes.  By leveraging and combining a battery of cutting-edge technologies, including...

Young-Bum Kim, PhD

My research focuses on identifying the molecular mechanisms mediating the metabolic action of insulin and leptin, and the resistance to these hormones that underlies diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. To identify the metabolic roles of specific molecular...